Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1st: "UP"

This is the verse that Michael chose to name our gym after. The past week, I have been painting our inspiration verse UP on the new wall in our gym. We've recently expanded at CF 27:17 and had to demolish the wall with our scripture on it in order to do so. It's been about 2 months now that we've been WOD-ing surrounded by the gloomy grey wall. Not any longer! We've finally beefed it up a bit! Now, when we're all in class fighting and pushing ourselves through a tough WOD (aka Workout of the Day), we can focus on the most important thing at CF 27:17- sharpening each other in Christ and in CrossFit!

March: Photo-a-day Challenge

I got this idea from my sweet friends, Brittany Shamblin and Carla Skelton. I think I'm going to give it a try!

here we go!

I have been wanting to create this blog for Michael and I since we got married. 11 months we go!

I never have been much of a "blogger", although I've always enjoyed reading blogs. Michael, on the other hand, blogs DAILY- both CrossFit 27:17 and his training log. He also reads/follows more blogs than anyone I know!

I would like our blog to be a place of encouragement, enjoyment, and excitement- even if most of it is about us! I hope to post mostly about our favorite things in life- our God and CrossFit! :) Now remember, I'm a newbie with blogging, so don't get your hopes up! We just want to share a little bit about our lives and what's going on with yall. I hope to gradually learn more about how to "jazz up" our blog, but for now, I decided March 1st would be a good day to reveal our blog (since I've been trying to work on it for months now, ya know?!).

I am super excited to see where this takes us! Enjoy!

"If God is for us, who could stand against? Romans 8:31